Running a business can be a challenging endeavor. When you're a small business, it can actually feel very daunting. You just want to get out there and provide great products and/or services to your customers and get paid. But, it's never that simple.
First you have to have a product and/or service to provide to your customers. So, you need a way to track and maintain it. Then you have to actually find and secure customers. Once you have customers, you need a way to keep track of them. Which customers are just leads? Which are actual paying customers? Which are somewhere else in the sales pipeline? Which are return customers? How often do they buy from you? What products do they keep coming back for? What do they think about your products?
Next you have your own employees and facilities, and that too comes with a flood of questions. Which employees will be working today? Which are sick or on vacation? What tasks are each of your employees expected to complete today? Do you have enough employees working today, or do you need to schedule more/less?
On top of all of that, you now have to keep track of your financials. You have to make sure you're getting paid. Make sure your employees are getting paid. Then you have your own bills to pay. Accounts receivable. Accounts payable. Invoices. Customer orders. Purchase orders. Deposits. Refunds. Ughh! The list keeps going. And, don't get me started on double-entry accounting. Do I debit this account and credit the other? Or, do I credit this account and debit the other? If I credit this account, does it cause the balance to go up, or does it go down? See what I mean by "daunting"?
At Lucus Labs, we understand just how challenging (and daunting) it can be to grow a business. During our market research we learned that companies use an average of 10 different software applications just to maintain and manage their day-to-day operations. Those are 10 different products from 10 different companies you have to pay for separately. Then you have to pay each company separately for training and support. That aside, most/none of those products integrate with the others, leaving you with duplicate data in disparate applications that can quickly get out of sync. And, what happens when something doesn't work? Each of those 10 companies will most likely place the blame on one of the others. It's a vicious cycle that we've all basically come to accept as "normal", but at Lucus Labs we have to disagree. There has to be a better, simpler way to run our companies. That's when we decided to develop Symbient™ Opta™.
Symbient™ Opta™ is an all-in-one software application that provides everything you need to run your business. It includes everything from customer, contact & employee tracking, to scheduling & appointments, tracking of products, inventory & assets, accounting & financials, projects, tasks & defects, and everything in between. In the "biz" it's known as an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and CMS (Content Management System). Symbient™ Opta™ is basically all of this (and more!) wrapped into a single, cohesive solution that is also affordable for any size company. Plus, even though it's built and intended for small business, it's flexible enough to grow with you so that you're not stuck having to replace a key component of your company as you build your empire. It's also flexible enough to work with any industry and any vertical. It really is a business owner's best friend.
Sounds expensive, right? Nope! It really is affordable. When you prepay annually, it's only $30 per month per user (or $360 for the year). When you prepay monthly, it's just $40 per month per user (a total of $480 for the year). Plus, on top of everything mentioned above, you also get other things such as built-in video conferencing so you can stay connected with your customers and colleagues. Add up the cost of all the products you currently use in your organization. I bet it doesn't even come close to Symbient™ Opta™'s affordable price point.
By the way, Symbient™ Opta™ is also backed by a powerful A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). Technologies like this are typically reserved for your larger competitors, but we provide it at no additional cost. Contact us to learn more about our A.I., and discover how it can drastically improve how you run your business.
So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to to learn more and to try it out FREE for 30-days, no credit card required! Your business (and your pocket book) will thank you!